Saturday, February 7, 2009

gain from experience

When i started my career in 1993, I had barely passed out of college. The enthusiasm and the energy which triggers to undertake something new, always remained the undercurrent.
I made it a point to make a lot of mistakes in life, and i cannot take the moral high ground that i learnt each time i went under the sledgehammer. But am sure it added that extra ounce of grit and conviction to do better, the next time over.
Do we need a Guru ? Maybe yes. Maybe he would guide you through the meanders, maybe he claims to have seen more than you have, and so we want to follow the spirit, just to move ahead.
Experience to one is a culmination of one's learning’s from one's mistakes and not just the successes compiled in one bag.
It takes a lot to say 'I am wrong, i made this mistake'
In today's troubled times, when choosing the right mentor in life is a matter of great concern for each one of us, little do we realize that there are people very close in our lives who give us the most for which we merit no value. That is experience for us.
Perhaps we search endlessly and still move ahead, without understanding the meaning and the ethos of the subject.
We are truly blessed to live in these troubled times, this helps us in making the most of this wonderful life.
I have gained from my mistakes, seen successes very rarely in my life, but i have no regrets. I got people on the way and i picked up every bit. Funny though it may sound, amongst others things i picked up accents and a whole lot of personality as well that i threw at myself all the time to adjudge the best, within.

1 comment:

  1. Well What to say..Hmmmm..I guess i truly connect with everything you had remarkably mentioned in this free flow of thoughts about (especially the 'search for the mentor thing'}. My parents, friends, my difficulties indeed taught me a lot but yes i take pride in mentioning that the only time i discovered someone who could fit in the frame as my True Mentor was YOU. A firm belief of standing by your conviction and grit is what i learnt from this man who has a lot in his Bag to discover. Great composition Sir :)
